Day Note for Oct 25, 2018
Summary: I realised that my losses came in groups because I was getting in before the move. Today I waited for momentum and it felt so much easier, definitely the way to trade when volatile. >Feel much more in control trading this way. I still need to work on exits.
1. G1 Good entry then moved stop to just below where it was bumping, got taken out and then it went on too 24 ticks I got 4. I think it makes more sense in the early stages of a trade to go to the previous bump and try and let it get away.
2 G3 straight loss profile level was not clear and flakey.
3 G3 gave entry a little more time and got 10 of 20. its very volatile.
4. G4 I'm getting a feeling of when to get out and it is becoming more consistent scratched the trade and saved a full loss
5. G3 Good entry not well managed too tight inside bump.
6. G4 good entry last move of stop a little to close got 16 of 22
7. G2 good entry managed perfectly got 25 of 31 moving to logical points as i went.
8. G4 Good entry got out to early move stop stupid place 6 of 16

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Summary: I realised that my losses came in groups because I was getting in before the move. Today I waited for momentum and it felt so much easier, definitely the way to trade when volatile. >Feel much more in control trading this way. I still need to work on exits.
1. G1 Good entry then moved stop to just below where it was bumping, got taken out and then it went on too 24 ticks I got 4. I think it makes more sense in the early stages of a trade to go to the previous bump and try and let it get away.
2 G3 straight loss profile level was not clear and flakey.
3 G3 gave entry a little more time and got 10 of 20. its very volatile.
4. G4 I'm getting a feeling of when to get out and it is becoming more consistent scratched the trade and saved a full loss
5. G3 Good entry not well managed too tight inside bump.
6. G4 good entry last move of stop a little to close got 16 of 22
7. G2 good entry managed perfectly got 25 of 31 moving to logical points as i went.
8. G4 Good entry got out to early move stop stupid place 6 of 16