-extremely slow morning. got a bit of volatility after the news came out. Very balanced day overall. Large step in overnight profile at 165-170. Price was creeping up there so I bought it as some size started printing at 170. Only held for a tick as this was one of the slowest days In a while. Completely fine with one tick today, had my doubts id even get that due to the slowness. As well as ZB and UB were nowhere near their highs. This is spreading and moves tend to not go very far when that happens. Price did end up going 5 ticks. this was a good location known as a pressure point. Once it cracks it brings in lots of participants playing the break or covering shorts.
#inbalance #neutral #weaktrend #slowmethodical #asshegoes #goodentry #gotedge #locstep #didntconsiderstop #earlyexit #hittargetexit #notupset #slighturgetotrade #imgood
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-extremely slow morning. got a bit of volatility after the news came out. Very balanced day overall. Large step in overnight profile at 165-170. Price was creeping up there so I bought it as some size started printing at 170. Only held for a tick as this was one of the slowest days In a while. Completely fine with one tick today, had my doubts id even get that due to the slowness. As well as ZB and UB were nowhere near their highs. This is spreading and moves tend to not go very far when that happens. Price did end up going 5 ticks. this was a good location known as a pressure point. Once it cracks it brings in lots of participants playing the break or covering shorts.
#inbalance #neutral #weaktrend #slowmethodical #asshegoes #goodentry #gotedge #locstep #didntconsiderstop #earlyexit #hittargetexit #notupset #slighturgetotrade #imgood